
Assura Physical Verification

Key Benefits

  • Trusted custom/analog signoff for mature nodes
  • Integrated with Virtuoso AMS/custom design and simulation technologies
  • Decreases overall DRC/LVS signoff iterations with an intuitive Virtuoso platform-based debug environment

Cadence® Assura® Physical Verification supports both interactive and batch operation modes with a single set of design rules. The tool uses hierarchical- and multi-processing for fast, efficient identification and correction of design rule errors. Unique pattern-checking capabilities enable simple rule development and maintenance for hard-to-write rules. Assura Physical Verification is supported where foundry rule decks are available.

Assura Physical Verification reduces overall verification time because it incorporates a fast and intuitive debug capability integrated within the Virtuoso® environment. It facilitates schematic-to-layout cross-probing and incorporates technologies that fix, extract, and compare errors. An interactive short locator accelerates recognition and fixing of shorts. Assura Physical Verification also offers plug-and-play integration with transistor-based Cadence Quantus™ QRC Extraction Solution.

상호명 : 뉴링크테크놀로지│대표 : 유영태│대표전화 : 02-508-0232

주소 : 서울특별시 송파구 법원로 127 문정대명벨리온 1106호

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COPYRIGHTⓒ뉴링크테크놀로지.All rights reserved

상호명 : 뉴링크테크놀로지│대표 : 유영태│대표전화 : 02-508-0232

주소 : 서울특별시 송파구 법원로 127 문정대명벨리온 1106호│E-Mail :

COPYRIGHTⓒ뉴링크테크놀로지.All rights reserved