Key Benefits
The Cadence® Quantus™ Extraction Solution is the industry’s most trusted signoff parasitic extraction tool, and is a leader in 3nm design adoptions and tapeouts. As a single, unified tool, the Quantus solution supports both cell-level and transistor-level extractions during design implementation and signoff. It’s an integral component of our in-design methodology with both the Innovus™ Implementation System and Virtuoso® platforms.
The Quantus Extraction Solution is the linchpin that allows designers to do more with Rs and Cs on both digital- and transistor-level flows, assuring on-time tapeout.
상호명 : 뉴링크테크놀로지│대표 : 유영태│대표전화 : 02-508-0232
주소 : 서울특별시 송파구 법원로 127 문정대명벨리온 1106호
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COPYRIGHTⓒ뉴링크테크놀로지.All rights reserved
상호명 : 뉴링크테크놀로지│대표 : 유영태│대표전화 : 02-508-0232
주소 : 서울특별시 송파구 법원로 127 문정대명벨리온 1106호│E-Mail :
COPYRIGHTⓒ뉴링크테크놀로지.All rights reserved