

Cadence Announces Voltus InsightAI, Industry’s First Generative AI Technology that Automatically Identifies and Addresses EM-IR Violations

조회수 263


  • Industry’s first generative AI-driven technology to predict, root cause and resolve IR drop issues early in the design process
  • New breakthrough technology uses machine learning-generated power grid models to enable fast IR inferencing within design implementation
  • Improves PPA by eliminating the need to overdesign the power grid due to early IR drop prediction and prevention capabilities
  • Voltus InsightAI seamlessly integrates with the Cadence digital full flow and system design and analysis platform for efficient EM-IR-driven design closure

원문 출처

Cadence Announces Voltus InsightAI, Industry’s First Generative AI Technology that Automatically Identifies and Addresses EM-IR Violations

상호명 : 뉴링크테크놀로지│대표 : 유영태│대표전화 : 02-508-0232

주소 : 서울특별시 송파구 법원로 127 문정대명벨리온 1106호

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COPYRIGHTⓒ뉴링크테크놀로지.All rights reserved

상호명 : 뉴링크테크놀로지│대표 : 유영태│대표전화 : 02-508-0232

주소 : 서울특별시 송파구 법원로 127 문정대명벨리온 1106호│E-Mail :

COPYRIGHTⓒ뉴링크테크놀로지.All rights reserved