The Cadence Virtuoso Layout Suite, part of the Virtuoso Studio, reinvents this industry-leading solution to create trusted analog, digital, and mixed-signal designs. While enabling the “More Than Moore” paradigm with heterogeneous integration, accelerated tool performance and differentiated productivity features enable faster integrated circuit (IC) design convergence with higher quality. Whether it’s device-level, cell-level, chip-level, or system-level design, Virtuoso Layout Suite provides advanced automation capabilities for collaboration, layout planning, placement, and routing with powerful in-design analysis and electrical awareness.
Seamlessly integrated with the Virtuoso Schematic Editor and the Virtuoso Analog Design Environment, the Virtuoso Layout Suite enables the creation of quality artwork that is both fast and silicon accurate.
Fast interactive layout editing from device-level designs to the entire system
Assisted layout automation to create a powerful layout with complete user control
Revolutionary automated place-and-route technologies for quick turnaround time
Flows and methodologies to tackle process-node complexities beyond 2nm
Design-intent-driven front-to-back collaborative platform for correct-by-construction layout
Signoff-quality DRC and parasitic feedback during layout construction using Cadence’s Pegasus Physical Verification Solution and Quantus Extraction Solution
상호명 : 뉴링크테크놀로지│대표 : 유영태│대표전화 : 02-508-0232
주소 : 서울특별시 송파구 법원로 127 문정대명벨리온 1106호
E-Mail : newlinktek@newlinktek.com
COPYRIGHTⓒ뉴링크테크놀로지.All rights reserved
상호명 : 뉴링크테크놀로지│대표 : 유영태│대표전화 : 02-508-0232
주소 : 서울특별시 송파구 법원로 127 문정대명벨리온 1106호│E-Mail : newlinktek@newlinktek.com
COPYRIGHTⓒ뉴링크테크놀로지.All rights reserved